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Generate a skeleton EASY Module.



Creates an EASY scala project, prepopulated with common files and structure. It uses the maven archetype plugin.

The archetype serves two purposes:

  • It sets up a skeleton project for you if you need to create a new EASY module.
  • More importantly, the skeleton is set up to support the current common practices.


  • Stub Scala source, including:
    • Entry point for command line interface (Command)
    • Service starter for a initd type daemon.
    • Service class that starts up a Jetty instance
    • An App trait that reads in settings from a properties file.
    • Unit test that checks that parts of this correpond with the output of the --help command line option.
    • Unit test that checks that the example configuration supporting the execution of the program by Maven contain the configuration keys that are expected by the program.
  • Stub assembly resources:
    • Command line starter script, initd and systemd scripts.
    • Configuration files ( and separate logback config files for command line and daemon execution.)
    • Assembly descriptor for the tar.gz archive.
  • Stub RPM configuration:
    • A profile in the POM that configures the rpm-maven-plugin. This allows you to build the RPM (mvn clean install -Prpm) (Requires RPM to be installed. On the Mac: brew install rpm.)
    • Hook scripts, partially implemented, that will execute during RPM installation (before/after install and before/after remove).
  • Probably more, by the time your read this...


The script will interactively query you for argument values.


This assumes that you have copied the script to a directory that is on your $PATH. On the Mac that could be /usr/local/bin

$ cd ~/git/my-test-projects
> easy-module-archetype version? (default = 2.0.6): [Enter]
> Module artifactId (e.g., easy-test-module): easy-hello-world [Enter]
> Name module's main package (i.e. the one under nl.knaw.dans.easy): hello [Enter]
> Description (one to four sentences): Simple example \ [Enter]
  that demonstrates that this generation script works. [Enter]
> [INFO] Scanning for projects...
  [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  [INFO] Building Maven Stub Project (No POM) 1
  [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ... <more output>
  Confirm properties configuration:
  groupId: nl.knaw.dans.easy
  artifactId: easy-hello-world
  version: 1.x-SNAPSHOT
  package: nl.knaw.dans.easy.hello
  description: Simple example that demonstrates that this generation script works.
  javaName: EasyHelloWorld
  moduleSubpackage: hello
  name: EASY Hello World
   Y: : [Enter]
> ... <more output>
  [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  [INFO] Total time: 2.333 s
  [INFO] Finished at: 2017-05-21T10:15:21+02:00
  [INFO] Final Memory: 30M/308M
  [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
$ cd easy-hello-world [Enter]
$ rm [Enter]

Now, you are all set to start developing, except ...

Delete what you do not use!

The skeleton project contains stubs for a daemon with an HTTP interface and a command line application, and by the time you read this, possibly more stubs. It is important to delete the parts that you are not going to use, to avoid clutter. Yes, even if you may use it in the future, just delete the stuff! For example: if you only need a command line application, you should delete

  • the daemon scripts in src/main/assembly/bin,
  • the service-related classes,
  • the run-service sub-command,
  • maybe some other things as well: check!


  • Add as a plug-in repository if you want to use a release version of this plug-in.
  • Clone and build the project if you want to use a snapshot.


Building from source


  • Maven 3.3.3 or higher


    git clone
    cd easy-module-archetype
    mvn install