Deposit directory

A deposit directory is a directory containing:

  1. deposit files
  2. deposit properties
└── deposit-directory
    ├── <deposit files>

<deposit files>

The deposit files are one or more files or directories. Typically, it will be one directory, a bag, and more specifically, one conforming to the DANS BagIt Profile v1. However, applications have different requirements with respect to the contents and lay-out of the deposit.

Processing metadata about the deposit are stored in a properties file called

It shall have at minimum the following properties:

Key Format Description
creation.timestamp ISO 8601 datetime,
including timezone and in ms precision
Date/time when the deposit
directory was created
state.label A label indicating the current
state of the deposit
state.description A human readable description of
the state or an error message,
if state.label indicates an error

Applications may use additional properties.