The Simple Web-service Offering Repository Deposit (SWORD) protocol is a standard for depositing content into repositories. The DANS implementation of version 2 of this protocol has been operational for several years for depositing datasets in EASY. The SWORD2 interface is also available in the Data Stations.

SWORD3 not yet available

The latest version of SWORD is version 3. This version is not yet available in the Data Stations. Currently, we are focusing on guaranteeing the continued availability of the SWORD2 interface for our existing customers. It is not yet decided whether we will implement SWORD3 in the future.

Guide and code examples for SWORD2 client developers

The following documents and examples are available for developers who want to use the DANS SWORD2 service:

DANS BagIt Profile

The bags that are deposited to the DANS SWORD2 service must comply with the DANS BagIt Profile.