Getting started

Basic usage

For including the library as a dependency in a Maven project see the installation instructions

A basic usage example follows:

public class Test {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        // Create a client object
        DataverseClientConfig config = new DataverseClientConfig(
            new URI("http://localhost:8080/"),
        DataverseClient client = new DataverseClient(config);

        // Call an API end-point
        DataverseResponse<Dataverse> response = client.dataverse("root").view();

        // Retrieve response data as model object
        Dataverse dv = response.getData();

        // Query object

  1. First you need to create a client object. This object can be reused when calling the same Dataverse instance multiple times.
  2. The API end-points are grouped in roughly the same way as they appear in the Dataverse documentation: dataverse collection end-points, dataset end-points, etc.
  3. The result is a DataverseHttpResponse object, if successful, otherwise an exception.
  4. If Dataverse's response is a JSON document, this is converted to a model object, a simple value object. You can retrieve that from the response using the getData method.

Running the examples

More examples can be found in the examples sub-module. To run an example:

  1. Copy the supplied to
  2. Edit the properties to match your setup. For example; when running Dataverse on localhost, set the baseUrl=http://localhost:8080.
  3. Run one of the programs providing sensible command line parameters where required.