A library for hierarchical storage of files in a layered way.


Layer store

A layer store is a hierarchical storage of files in a layered way. A layer contains a subset of the files and folders in the store. A layer is identified by a unique Layer ID. This ID is a unix timestamp in milliseconds. The layer IDs determine the order in which the layers are stacked. The contents of a layer store can be transformed to a regular directory structure by stacking the layers in the order of their IDs. The layer with the highest ID is the top layer. Files in newer layers override files with the same path in older layers.

An example of a layer store with three layers is shown below.

     |  Layer ID: 1706612162                                 |        
     |  .                                                    |        
     |  └── otherpath                                        |        
     |      └── to                                           |        
     |          └── otherdir                                 |        
     |              └── file3.txt                            |        

     |  Layer ID: 1705633401                                 |        
     |  .                                                    |        
     |  └── path                                             |        
     |      └── to                                           |        
     |          └── dir1                                     |        
     |              ├── file1.txt                            |        
     |              └── file2.txt                            |        

     |  Layer ID: 1701118823                                 |        
     |  .                                                    |        
     |  └── path                                             |        
     |      └── to                                           |        
     |          └── dir1                                     |        
     |              └── file1.txt                            |        

Transforming this layer store to a regular directory structure results in the following directory structure:

    |  ├── otherpath                                         |         
    |  │   └── to                                            |         
    |  │       └── otherdir                                  |         
    |  │           └── file3.txt                             |         
    |  └── path                                              |         
    |      └── to                                            |         
    |          └── dir1                                      |         
    |              ├── file1.txt                             |         
    |              └── file2.txt                             |         

Note that:

  • file1.txt in layer 1705633401 overrides file1.txt in layer 1701118823.
  • Adding files is done by adding them to the top layer.
  • Removing files entails removing them from all layers (this is not shown in the example).

Layers are envisioned to be implemented as a set of archive files. A simple way to picture the transformation from layer store to directory structure is to imagine the archive files being extracted to one temporary directory, one after the other, in the order of their layer ID.

The ItemStore interface

The dans-layer-store-lib defines and implements an ItemStore interface. An ItemStore models basically a normal file/folder hierarchy. It provides methods for adding, removing and retrieving items. In the scenario described above, it corresponds to the directory structure that results from transforming the layer store to a regular directory structure.

The term item instead of file or folder is used to clearly distinguish between the model and the implementation, especially because the implementation will involve "physical" files and folders.

Although ItemStore does not expose the concept of a layer, the purpose of this library is to provide a layered storage. The ItemStore interface is intended to hide the layering from the user. It is not really intended to be implemented in other ways, although that is possible. The interface is geared towards providing exactly the features needed to implement ocfl-java's Storage interface without depending on any OCFL specific concepts. The two are connected through the dans-ocfl-java-extensions-lib.

Layer database

The layer store is backed by a database. The purpose is to make operations that would otherwise be slow much faster. For example, listing the contents of a folder in a layer store with many layers would require reading all layers. Depending on the type of archive, it could also mean reading all archive files. If layer archives were stored on a very slow medium, such as tape, the problem would be compounded.

To solve this problem the layer database stores a record for each item in each layer. The record contains the item's path, and type. If it is a file the record may also contain the entire content of the file. For which files the content is stored is configurable. Obviously, storing the content of all files would be very expensive in terms of storage space, so it is recommended to only store the content of files that are expected to be relatively small and need to be read often.


More details can be found in the JavaDocs.


To use this library in a Maven-based project:

  1. Include in your pom.xml a declaration for the DANS maven repository:

        <!-- possibly other repository declarations here ... -->
  2. Include a dependency on this library.

        <version>{version}</version> <!-- <=== FILL LIBRARY VERSION TO USE HERE -->