Migrating from EASY to a Data Station or Vault as a Service

The Data Station SWORD2 service is mostly compatible with the legacy EASY SWORD2 service. However, a couple of things have changed that will require a change to the client code or configuration. Also, there are some added features. What follows is a list of all the changes. Optional ones are marked as such.

Data Station vs Vault as a Service

Clients can deposit to either a Data Station or the Vault as a Service (Vaas). The protocol is largely the same. The differences are highlighted in the text with the notes (VaaS) and (Data Station).

Service URL

The service URL has changed from https://easy.dans.knaw.nl/sword2/collection/1 to a Data Station specific URL:

  • https://sword2.archaeology.datastations.nl/collection/1
  • https://sword2.ssh.datastations.nl/collection/1
  • https://sword2.lifesciences.datastations.nl/collection/1
  • https://sword2.phys-techsciences.datastations.nl/collection/1

Test deposits must be sent to the demo-server, which is hosted at the "demo" subdomain of the Data Station, e.g., https://demo.sword2.archaeology.datastations.nl/collection/1. Since this is a test environment, this server is protected with an extra authentication header which is provided to our customers via a different channel.

DDM schema changes

New DANS Dataset Metadata schema and URI

A new version of DANS Dataset Metadata has been introduced. To indicate that it is using the new schema the dataset.xml file in the deposit must use the new namespace: http://schemas.dans.knaw.nl/dataset/ddm-v2/. Deposits containing a legacy-version dataset.xml will be rejected.

New profile element: ddm:personalData

The profile element has a new, required element, that provides a statement about the presence of personal data in the dataset. It must be added as the last sub-element of profile. It has one required attribute present, which takes one of the following values: Yes, No, Unknown.


    <!-- other profile elements -->
    <ddm:personalData present="No"/>

Exactly one license element with xsi:type="dcterms:URI"

There must be exactly one element with an xsi:type attribute set to dcterms:URI.

Supported licenses (Data Station)

The element text containing the URI of one of the licenses supported by the Data Station. The supported licenses can be retrieved from the Data Station API for example:

curl https://archaeology.datastations.nl/api/licenses | jq '.data[].uri' 

The use of jq to extract the URIs from the resulting JSON is optional, of course.

Note, that in EASY SWORD2 some deviations from the license URI were allowed (for example both http and https as URI scheme were accepted). In Data Station SWORD2 you must provide the license URI identical character by character as in the list of supported licenses.

Supported licenses (VaaS)

The Vault as a Service only requires a license to be specified. It does not have a list of supported licenses, so any license URI is accepted.

New element ddm:datesOfCollection (optional)

The ddm:dcmiMetadata section of DDM supports a new element ddm:datesOfCollection that allows you to specify the start and end dates for the date of collection. This will then be mapped to the Dataverse Citation Metadata field "Date of Collection" which is a structured field with Start and End subfields.

In ddm:datesOfCollection the start and end dates must be entered in the element text, separated by a slash. The dates must be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD


    <!-- other elements -->
    <!-- other elements -->

New element ddm:language (optional)

The ddm:dcmiMetadata section of DDM supports a new element ddm:language that allows you to specify the language of the dataset in the attribute code. This will then be mapped to the Dataverse Citation Metadata field "Language". The supported encoding schemes are ISO639-1 and ISO639-2; which one is used must be specified in the attribute encodingScheme. For the list of supported codes see the wikipedia page on ISO 639.

Note, that the element text can be specified, but is not checked against the code, nor is it mapped to any Dataverse field.


    <!-- other elements -->
    <ddm:language encodingScheme="ISO639-1" code="fy">West-Fries</ddm:language>
    <ddm:language encodingScheme="ISO639-2" code="kal">Groenlands</ddm:language>
    <ddm:language encodingScheme="ISO639-2" code="baq">Baskisch</ddm:language>
    <!-- other elements -->

dc:language not mapped (Data Station)

In EASY SWORD2 the element dc:language was mapped to the EASY metadata field "Language" for a very limited set of languages. This is no longer the case. If you want to specify the language of the dataset, you must use the new element ddm:language.

File and directory names are sanitized (no action required) (Data Station only)

Dataverse has specific rules about what characters it allows in file names and directory names.

  • file names: all allowed except: :, *, ?, ", <, >, |, ;, #;
  • directory names: only the following allowed: alphanumeric characters from ASCII, _, -, ., \, (space)

All forbidden characters are replaced with an underscore by Ingest Flow, so it is not necessary for the client to change any file or directory names. The original file and directory name are recorded in the file's description metadata in Dataverse, e.g. original_filepath: path/with/strænge/<chars>

Organizational identifier (optional)

The client now has the option to provide an organizational identifier. The Depositor Organization most likely assign its own identifier to its datasets. It is highly recommended to store this identifier with the dataset deposited in the Data Station, so that it can be more easily correlated with the information in the client's repository or database. This is done using two elements in bag-info.txt: Has-Organizational-Identifier and, if available, Has-Organizational-Identifier-Version. For example:

Has-Organizational-Identifier: REPO1:1234
Has-Organizational-Identifier-Version: 1

REPO1 is an organization specific prefix that must be agreed on with DANS beforehand. In this case 1234 would be the unique identifier that the REPO1 organization uses to reference the corresponding dataset. The version has no constraints and can be left out, if no such information is kept by the Depositor Organization.

See also DANS BagIt Profile, Section 4.

Final deposit state changed to PUBLISHED (Data Station) and ACCEPTED (VaaS)

The final state of a deposit in EASY was ARCHIVED. This has changed to the state PUBLISHED for the Data Stations and ACCEPTED for the Vault as a Service. The meaning is still that the client can stop tracking the deposit and rest assured that archiving in the DANS Data Vault will occur in due course.

Original metadata is stored as original-metadata.zip (Data Station only)

The DDM schema allows you to include any DCTERMS element you wish in the section ddm:dcmiMetadata section. However, not everything is mapped to Dataverse metadata. To ensure that the originally deposited metadata is not lost, it is saved in an uncompressed ZIP-file in the dataset, called original-metadata.zip. It includes dataset.xml and files.xml.

Files outside the data folder are not archived

The EASY SWORD2 Service stored any files it did not process in the archive "as is". The Data Station SWORD2 Service will not store any files outside the data folder of the bag (except for the original metadata: see previous section).