
Service that authenticates Dataverse users using account credentials


dd-dataverse-authenticator { server | check }


Service that authenticates Dataverse users by their account credentials. It is basically an extension of the Dataverse API. This service is to be configured to have direct read access to the Dataverse database. It is recommended to use a dedicated PostGreSQL user for this with only SELECT permissions on the tables: builtinuser, apitoken and authenticateduser.

The interface is very simple: a POST request with either:

  • basic authentication with the user's username and password, OR
  • an X-Dataverse-key with the user's API token

If the user is successfully authenticated a 200 OK response is returned with a message body containing the authenticated user ID in a simple json doc:

  "userId": "user001"

If the credentials were absent or incorrect 401 Unauthorized is returned.

If both the basic auth and the API-token are sent a 400 Bad Request is returned and the credentials are not verified.


    positional arguments:
    {server,check}         available commands

    named arguments:
    -h, --help             show this help message and exit
    -v, --version          show the application version and exit


curl -v -u username:password -X POST http://localhost:20340/
curl -v -H 'X-Dataverse-key: 0571dee0-5e48-4439-aeef-94fd3dc380d1' -X POST http://localhost:20340/


Currently, this project is built as an RPM package for RHEL7/CentOS7 and later. The RPM will install the binaries to /opt/dans.knaw.nl/dd-dataverse-authenticator and the configuration files to /etc/opt/dans.knaw.nl/dd-dataverse-authenticator.

For installation on systems that do no support RPM and/or systemd:

  1. Build the tarball (see next section).
  2. Extract it to some location on your system, for example /opt/dans.knaw.nl/dd-dataverse-authenticator.
  3. Start the service with the following command /opt/dans.knaw.nl/dd-dataverse-authenticator/bin/dd-dataverse-authenticator server /opt/dans.knaw.nl/dd-dataverse-authenticator/cfg/config.yml



  • Java 11 or higher
  • Maven 3.3.3 or higher
  • RPM


git clone https://github.com/DANS-KNAW/dd-dataverse-authenticator.git
cd dd-dataverse-authenticator 
mvn clean install

If the rpm executable is found at /usr/local/bin/rpm, the build profile that includes the RPM packaging will be activated. If rpm is available, but at a different path, then activate it by using Maven's -P switch: mvn -Pprm install.

Alternatively, to build the tarball execute:

mvn clean install assembly:single