
This page contains information for developers about how to contribute to this project.


This project can be used in combination with dans-dev-tools. Before you can start it as a service some dependencies must first be started:

HSQL database

Open a separate terminal tab:

Dataverse instance

The service needs a Dataverse instance to talk to. For this you can use for example dev_archaeology (only accessible to DANS developers): -s

After start-up:

vagrant ssh
curl -X PUT -d s3kretKey http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:BlockedApiKey
curl -X PUT -d unblock-key http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:BlockedApiPolicy

This is necessary to allow calls to admin API endpoints from outside the box. This will break access to the admin API from within the box. To roll back to the original situation:

curl -X PUT -d localhost-only http://localhost:8080/api/admin/settings/:BlockedApiPolicy/?unblock-key=s3kretKey


dd-ingest-flow uses dd-validate-dans-bag to validate the bag in the deposit. The validation service must be run outside the vagrant box, because it needs disk access to the deposit.

Open a separate terminal tab: # only first time

Configure the correct API key in etc/config.yml, also set validation.baseFolder to the absolute path of the data directory of dd-ingest-flow.

Now you can start the service:


Open both projects in separate terminal tabs do the following for each: # only first time

Configure the correct API keys (apiKey and unblockKey) in etc/config.yml. Note the apiKey overrides per ingest area.

Now you can start the service:

Prepare and start a deposit

Once the dependencies and services are started you can ingest a single deposit by moving (not copy) a deposit into data/auto-ingest/inbox or whatever directory is configured in

dd-ingest-flow/etc/config.yml ingestFlow:autoIngest:inbox

Note that a migration bag has more data than valid for this process. The validator will inform you about what to remove and how to fix the checksums.

The dans-datastation-tools project has commands to copy/move your data into an ingest_area (auto-ingest/import/migration) require a user group deposits. When running locally you don't have such a group, so you can't use these commands. Make sure to have the following structure.

├── data
│   ├── auto-ingest
│   │   ├── inbox
│   │   │   └── <UUID>
│   │   │       ├── bag
│   │   │       │   └── *
│   │   │       └──
│   │   └── out
│   └── tmp

Alternatively you can prepare batches in one of the other ingest areas and start as follows.

Configure the ingest_flow section and dataverse section of .dans-datastation-tools.yml which is a copy of src/datastation/example-dans-datastation-tools.yml.

  • service_baseurl should refer to localhost
  • The ingest_areas should refer to the same folders as the ingestFlow section of dd-ingest-flow/etc/config.yml. Replace the default /var/opt/ in the latter with data.
  • Set the apiKey
  • To repeat a test you'll need the dv-dataset-destroy script which needs safety_latch: OFF, the default is ON.

Assuming dans-datastation-tools and dd-ingest-flow are in the same directory:

cd ~/git/service/data-station/dans-datastation-tools
poetry run ingest-flow start-migration -s ../dd-ingest-flow/data/migration/inbox/<SOME-DIR>/<UUID>