
This page contains information for developers about how to contribute to this project.


This project can be used in combination with dans-dev-tools. Before you can start it as a service some dependencies must first be started:

Initialize development environment

This is only necessary once per project. If you execute this any existing configuration and data will be reset.

Open a separate terminal tab for dd-transfer-to-vault and one for its dependency dd-vault-catalog and in each one run:

To actually complete transfers, you will also need dmftar.


Optionally remove the directory data/database for a fresh up-to-date DB.

Run in both terminals:

To examine the database with a GUI you can run Copy the url from etc/config.yml into the GUI dialog to open a connection: file - connect - url. The names of the tables should appear in the tree view panel.

Start services

See: connect to surf, otherwise the transfer service will prompt for a password.

Open new terminals for both services and run:

Start an ingest

To start an ingest, copy a zipped bag (e.g. from src/test/resources/bags) into one of the transfer-inboxes configured in


The zip will reappear with in ocfl-tar-inbox and a row will be added to the table transfer_queue. To repeat with the same zip you will have to delete the row from the table.