
This page contains information for developers about how to contribute to this project.


This project can be used in combination with dans-dev-tools. Before you can start it as a service some dependencies must first be started. One dependency is dd-validate-dans-bag. For the other dependency you have the choice between a local service dd-vault-catalog and a Virtual Machine (VM) dev_transfer. The local variant requires a local database. For the VM you need access to the project dd-dtap,

Initialize development environment

This is only necessary once per project. If you execute this any existing configuration and data will be reset.

Open separate terminal tabs for dd-vault-ingest-flow, its dependency dd-validate-dans-bag and the optional dependency (when not using the VM dev_transfer) dd-vault-catalog. In each tab run:

The service dd-validate-dans-bag needs different configurations for dd-vault-ingest-flow and other services. So you will have to update the generated dd-validate-dans-bag/etc/config.yml, perhaps keep copies of the files or comment lines to switch between both situations.

  • dataverse: null
  • vaultCatalog.baseUrl:

You will also have to adjust dd-vault-ingest-flow/etc/config.yml:

  • vaultCatalog.url:

Both URLs in the above configuration examples assume you use the VM dev_transfer, if not, keep the URLs as generated from src/test/resources/debug-etc.

Start services

To start the VM, run in the root of dd-dtap: -s dev_transfer

Without the VM you will need a local database for the service dd-vault-catalog, run in a separate terminal tab:

Pick the appropriate vaultCatalog.url in dd-vault-ingest-flow/etc/config.yml. Open terminal tabs for the services dd-vault-ingest-flow, dd-validate-dans-bag, optionally (when not using the VM dev_transfer) dd-vault-catalog and run in each:

Create a deposit

  • Create a directory /vagrant/shared/<UUID>, this location makes it available on VMs at /vagrant/shared.
  • Copy a valid bag into that directory, for example:

Note that all_mappings has an invalid prefix for Has-Organizational-Identifier in bag-info.txt.

  • Create a file in the same directory named, an example for the content:

    bag-store.bag-id = <UUID>
    dataverse.bag-id = urn:uuid:<UUID>
    dataverse.sword-token = sword:<UUID>
    creation.timestamp = 2023-08-16T17:40:41.390209+02:00
    deposit.origin = SWORD2
    depositor.userId = user001
    bag-store.bag-name = default-open

    Note that * The bag-name should match the copied bag. * The userId should match a value configured as a dataSupplier in dd-vault-ingest-flow/etc/config.yml. * The <UUID> should match the directory name. * To test updates you will need different UUIDs for each example-bags/valid/* and move them to the inbox. Note that the revision02 and revision03 bags lack an Is-Version-Of: <UUID> in bag-info.txt, it must be a valid SWORD token in the vault catalog. Adding this property requires an update of the tagmanifest-sha1.txt. A validation error message will show the proper value, for example (with a locally running validator):

    cd dd-dans-sword2-examples ./ http://localhost:20330/validate /vagrant/shared//

Start an ingest

To start an ingest locally, move (not copy, otherwise the processing might start before the copy completed) a deposit into one of the inboxes configured in:


You can examine details of the result on dev_transfer in /var/opt/ and the database:

sudo su postgres
psql dd_vault_catalog
select bag_id, data_supplier from ocfl_object_versions;
\c dd_transfer_to_vault
select bag_id, data_supplier from transfer_item;

Or examine the local transfer results in dd-vault-ingest-flow/data/rda-bags and with executed in dd-vault-catalog. The start dialog needs database.url specified in dd-vault-catalog/etc/config.yml.

Test after deploy

The catalog results can be found on the VM dev_transfer, the service under test (dd-vault-ingest-flow) should be deployed on dev_vaas, both VMs should be running.

Make the deposits available that were prepared in /vagrant/shared:

cd /var/opt/ # configured in /etc/opt/
cp -r `readlink -m /vagrant/shared/*/revision*/..` .. # or the actually wrapped bag(s)
chmod -R 777 ../*7*

Start an ingest:

mv -v `readlink -m ../*/revision01/..` inbox

Or see dd-dans-sword2-examples with IRI