
Dataverse workflow step for setting DANS Data Vault metadata.


dd-vault-metadata { server | check }


This service implements a PrePublishDataset workflow step that sets DANS Data Vault metadata on the dataset-version about to be published.

Vault metadata fields

The following Vault metadata fields are set by this service.

typeName value source V1.0 value source Vn, n > 1.0
dansDataversePid the dataset DOI the dataset DOI
dansDataversePidVersion the dataset version number the dataset version number
dansBagId a urn:uuid generated by this service a urn:uuid generated by this service
dansNbn a urn:nbn generated by this service the urn:nbn minted for V1.0


positional arguments:
{server,check}         available commands

named arguments:
-h, --help             show this help message and exit
-v, --version          show the application version and exit


Currently this project is built as an RPM package for RHEL7/CentOS7 and later. The RPM will install the binaries to /opt/dans.knaw.nl/dd-vault-metadata and the configuration files to /etc/opt/dans.knaw.nl/dd-vault-metadata.

To install the module on systems that do not support RPM, you can copy and unarchive the tarball to the target host. You will have to take care of placing the files in the correct locations for your system yourself. For instructions on building the tarball, see next section.

Service configuration file

The configuration options are documented with comments int the config.yml configuration file.

Dataverse configuration

To configure Dataverse to call this service, you must add it as an http/authext workflow step to the default PrePublishDataset workflow. The JSON to use in the step is included in INSTALL_DIR/install/workflow-step.json.



  • Java 11 or higher
  • Maven 3.3.3 or higher
  • RPM


git clone https://github.com/DANS-KNAW/dd-vault-metadata.git
cd dd-vault-metadata 
mvn clean install

If the rpm executable is found at /usr/local/bin/rpm, the build profile that includes the RPM packaging will be activated. If rpm is available, but at a different path, then activate it by using Maven's -P switch: mvn -Pprm install.

Alternatively, to build the tarball execute:

mvn clean install assembly:single