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When using a SAX parser you have to assign a content handler to a reader. Such a handler receives notifications of document events such as start-element and end-element.

Our handler map knows which handlers to use for which elements. The handler map makes its decisions based on the parameters received at the start of an element.

Leafs in the family of handler classes know in which element of the target object (type parameter T, Handler.getTarget method) to put the received data. The generic handler uses the handler map to switch control between handlers. When giving control to another handler, the target object, handler map and other administration are passed on. To make sure subclasses of the generic handler can’t disturb control switching, the methods startElement and endElement are declared final. These event notifications are handed down to subclasses with other method names: initElement/initFirstElement and finishElement. The method initFirstElement gives handlers of complex elements a chance to cleanup from a previous cycle, for example by creating an empty sub target.

The handler map uses the default constructor of the handlers. The other (package-private) constructor of the generic handler assigns itself to the reader of the SAX parser. AbstractCrosswalk.parse uses the latter constructor to start the crosswalk. But first it validates the XML document against the XSD (type parameter V) to reduce the validations required by the handlers.

Currently neither the handler map nor the handlers have any knowledge about the path in the XML tree.




  • Java 8 or higher
  • Maven 3.3.3 or higher


    git clone
    cd easy-ingest-flow
    mvn install

Replace the question marks in the mvn options -Deasy.emd.version=??? and/or -Deasy.schema.version=??? to use locally compiled versions of easy-schema respectively easy-emd. You can find the available versions in ~/.m2/repository/nl/knaw/dans/easy/easy-schema respectively ~/.m2/repository/nl/knaw/dans/easy/emd.