Retrieves a dataset from Fedora and transforms it to an AIP bag conforming to DANS-BagIt-Profile v0
easy-fedora-to-bag {-d <dataset-id> | -i <dataset-ids-file>} -o <output-dir> [-s] [-l <log-file>] [-e | -p] -f { AIP | SIP } <transformation>
Tool for exporting datasets from Fedora and constructing Archival/Submission Information Packages.
An AIP is a DANS-V0 bag, a SIP is a directory with a bag and a deposit.properties
-d, --datasetId <arg> A single easy-dataset-id to be transformed. Use either this or the input-file
-e, --europeana If provided, only the largest pdf/image will selected as payload.
-i, --input-file <arg> File containing a newline-separated list of easy-dataset-ids to be transformed.
Use either this or the dataset-id argument
-l, --log-file <arg> The name of the logfile in csv format. If not provided a file
easy-fedora-to-bag-<timestamp>.csv will be created in the home-dir of the user.
(default = /home/vagrant/easy-fedora-to-bag-2020-02-02T20:20:02.000Z.csv)
-p, --no-payload If provided, no payload files will be exported, i.e. only the metadata is
present in the bag.
-o, --output-dir <arg> Empty directory that will be created if it doesn't exist. Successful bags (or
packages) will be moved to this directory.
-f, --output-format <arg> Output format: AIP, SIP. 'SIP' is only implemented for simple, it creates the
bags one directory level deeper. easy-bag-to-deposit completes these sips with
-s, --strict If provided, the transformation will check whether the datasets adhere to the
requirements of the chosen transformation.
-h, --help Show help message
-v, --version Show version of this program
trailing arguments:
transformation (required) The type of transformation used: simple, thematische-collectie,
original-versioned, fedora-versioned.
$ easy-fedora-to-bag -d easy-dataset:1001 -o ~/stagedAIPs -f AIP simple
creates a directory in '~/stagedAIPs'. This directory is an AIP bag, it has the UUID as the directory name,
and contains all relevant information from 'easy-dataset:1001' using the 'simple' transformation.
$ easy-fedora-to-bag -d easy-dataset:1001 -s -o ~/stagedAIPs -f AIP simple
easy-dataset:1001 is transformed according to the simple transformation,
but only if it fulfils the requirements. The AIP bag is generated in directory '~/stagedAIPs'.
$ easy-fedora-to-bag -s -i dataset_ids.txt -o ./stagedAIPs -l ./outputLogfile.csv -f AIP simple
Creates a bag in './stagedAIPs' for each dataset in 'dataset_ids.txt' using the 'simple' transformation.
If a dataset does not adhere to the 'simple' requirements, or is not deposited by 'testDepositor',
it will not be considered and an explanation will be recorded in 'outputLogfile.csv'.
$ easy-fedora-to-bag -i dataset_ids.txt -f SIP -o ./stagedSIPs -e simple
Creates bags for all dataset-ids in dataset_ids.txt using the 'simple' transformation.
The payload consists of only one file, the largest PDF or image in the datasets.
$ easy-fedora-to-bag -i dataset_ids.txt fedora-versioned
Dry run, each line in the log-file will contain one or more dataset IDs.
The first dataset on a line is the first version for the rest of the datasets on the same line.
$ easy-fedora-to-bag -i dataset_ids.txt -f SIP -o ./stagedSIPs fedora-versioned
Takes the output of a dry run to create simple bags.
A <log-file>
is generated in csv format with the following headers:
easy-dataset-id input easy-dataset-id
UUID UUID created for the resulting package of the specified output format
doi doi as it appears in the EMD
depositor EASY-User-Account of the depositor of the dataset
transformation transformation used
comments if the dataset does not conform to the transformation-requirements, it is chronicled here
For every dataset in the input a bag-directory is created (or more in case of a versioned transformation):
* in case of AIP: <output-dir>/<bag-UUID>
* in case of SIP: <output-dir>/<package-UUID>/<bag-UUID>
In case of problems (possibly incomplete) bags or packages may be left in the directory
defined with staging.dir
in the application properties
The bag-directories contain the transformed metadata and data in a DANS-Bagit-Profile.
The bag-info.txt
file will contain at least:
EASY-User-Account: ...
Created: ...
Payload-Oxum: ...
Bagging-Date: ...
Bag-Size: ...
A simple transformation transforms the dataset, with no consideration of other datasets, 'thematische collecties' or external storage.
With the option --strict
the transformation will check that the input dataset conforms to the following requirements. The dataset
- has a DANS-DOI
- has no Jumpoff page (i.e. there is no dans-jumpoff object in Fedora with a isJumpoffPageFor relation to this dataset)
- has no
relation that references a DANS-DOI, DANS-URN or easy-dataset-id - is no
thematische collectie
(i.e. the title does not containthematische collectie
) - is not in the vault already (i.e. check in
An original-versioned transformation transforms the dataset into two bags,
if there exists an original
folder and at least 1 file outside this folder(*).
The first bag will contain the content of the original folder.
The second bag will contain the accessible files from the original folder, and all remaining files.
Output for a dataset that meets the conditions to produce two bags:
The bag-info.txt
of the second bag will have additional content to refer to the first bag, an example:
Is-Version-Of: urn:uuid:<package-1-UUID>
Base-DOI: 10.17026/test-Iiib-z9p-4ywa
Base-URN: urn:nbn:nl:ui:13-00-1haq
A fedora-versioned transformation takes several dataset-ids that are meant to be versions of each other, and creates a bag-sequence in the given order.
Each line of the input-file
should contain a list of dataset-ids, in the correct order, first version first.
Omitting the option output-dir
implies a dry run.
In that case the CSV file will have one bag-sequence per line.
A sequence may contain datasets not in the input if referenced by datasets in the input.
Datasets not in the input that reference a sequence but are not referenced by a sequence won't appear.
Except for the first dataset of each input line,
will have additional content (like for original-versioned)
to refer to the package of the first dataset on the same input line.
Currently this project is build only as an RPM package for RHEL7/CentOS7 and later. The RPM will install the binaries to
and the configuration files to /etc/opt/dans.knaw.nl/easy-fedora-to-bag
- Java 8 or higher
- Maven 3.3.3 or higher
git clone https://github.com/DANS-KNAW/easy-fedora-to-bag.git
cd easy-fedora-to-bag
mvn clean install
If the rpm
executable is found at /usr/local/bin/rpm
, the build profile that includes the RPM
packaging will be activated. If rpm
is available, but at a different path, then activate it by using
Maven's -P
switch: mvn -Pprm install