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Tools for managing a Springfield WebTV server.


easy-springfield list-users [<domain>]
easy-springfield list-collections <user> [<domain>]
easy-springfield create-user <user> [<domain>]
easy-springfield create-collection [-t, --title <arg>] [-d, --description <arg>] \
    <collection> <user> [<domain>]
easy-springfield create-presentation [-t, --title <arg>] [-d, --description <arg>] \
    [-r, --require-ticket] <user> [<domain>]
easy-springfield create-springfield-actions [-c, --check-parent-items] [-v, --videos-folder <arg>] \
    <videos-csv> > springfield-actions.xml
easy-springfield status [-u, --user <arg>][-d, --domain <arg>]
easy-springfield set-require-ticket <springfield-path> {true|false}
easy-springfield set-title --title,-t <title> --video-number,-v <number> <springfield-presentation-path>
easy-springfield set-play-mode <springfield-presentation-path> {menu|continuous}
easy-springfield create-ticket [-e,--expires-after-seconds <arg>] [-t, --ticket <arg>] \
easy-springfield delete-ticket <ticket>
easy-springfield delete [-r, --with-referenced-items] <springfield-path>
easy-springfield add-videoref-to-presentation <video> <name> <presentation>
easy-springfield add-presentationref-to-collection <presentation> <name> <collection>
easy-springfield add-subtitles-to-video --language <code> <video> <web-vtt-file>
easy-springfield add-subtitles-to-presentation --language <code> <presentation> <web-vtt-file>...
easy-springfield show-available-language-codes


Springfield Web TV is a platform for delivering A/V media files over the web. Managing the hosted content of a Springfield instance can be a rather challenging task, due to the lack of supporting tools. easy-springfield provides some commands to ease this task. It does not presume to fully automate Springfield management.

(Note: even though Springfield can also serve audio-only media files, all media files are generall referred to as "videos" in the Springfield interface. We will do the same below.)

Springfield paths

Videos in Springfield are stored in a tree-structure. The service smithers2 keeps track of this structure and offers a RESTful API to it. easy-springfield uses this RESTful API. Where the commands require a springfield-path argument, a path into aforementioned tree is intended.

Some examples:


As you can see in the last two examples, presentations and videos are stored directly under the user (in this case called "history"). Presentations reference videos by springfield path to include them, and collections reference presentations to do the same.

It is possible to configure a default domain. This allows you to leave out the domain of the springfield paths. If you configure the default domain to dans the above examples then become:


Everywhere else where a domain must be specified, it will then also default to the value you configured.


In some cases springfield paths are used to include an item by reference into another item. For example a collection is built up using springfield-paths to presentations. These springfield-paths are then called referids.

Examining raw Springfield metadata

Although easy-springfield lets you manage a considerable part of the Springfield repository without your having to interact with smithers2 directly, it is often convenient to examine its raw output. You can construct the smithers-URL of an item as follows:


smithers2-base-uri can be found in springfield-path must of course include the domain. To get all the metadata for user getuigen in the above example you would therefore open the following URL in your browser:


This is of course assuming that you have access to port 8080 of the server running Springfield. You may have to use an SSH-tunnel if this is not the case:

ssh -L 8080:localhost:8080 yourstreamingserver

# In a new terminal window:

The XML that is returned by Springfield will not be documented here, but for the most part is fairly easy to understand. Most of the subcommands supported by easy-springfield use this XML to implement their functionality.

Listing and creating containers

As discussed before, the videos are stored as leaves of a tree structure. The parent elements of that structure can, in part, be examined and managed by easy-springfield.

Currently it is only possible to list the users (in a given domain) and collections (of a given user). To get a list of the items in a presentation, retrieve the raw Springfield metadata as explained in the previous section.

Users and collections can be created with the subcommands create-user and create-collection. In contrast to the command to add videos to Springfield - discussed below - these subcommands will not create Springfield actions XML, but in fact create the specified items in Springfield directly.

Adding videos

Since Springfield can only add videos that are placed in its inbox, it is not possible to add them directly via a subcommand. Instead, the subcommand create-springfield-actions generates the XML that must be placed with the video files in the inbox. The input for this subcommand is a CSV file containing the required metadata about the videos. The columns are defined by the following headers:

  • SRC-VIDEO - the relative path to the video file in springfield-inbox
  • DOMAIN - (optional) the domain under which to add the video (must exist); if not specified: the default domain
  • USER - the user under which to add the video (must exist)
  • COLLECTION - the collection under which to add the video (must exist)
  • PRESENTATION - the presentation under which to add the video (must not exist; will be created)
  • TARGET-VIDEO - (optional) the name of the video in Springfield; if not specified: the base name of SRC-VIDEO
  • REQUIRE-TICKET - whether an authorization ticket is required to play the video (true of false)

The subcommand will print the XML directly to the standard output, so to use it you will have to redirect STDOUT to a file. The OK/error messages will not interfere, as they will be printed on STDERR rather than STDOUT.

The subcommand can optionally check if the hierarchy in which to store the videos exists, as this is a precondition for subsequent successful processing by Springfield. Likewise, it can check if the videos actually exist in a specified folder.

In summary, to add a folder with videos to Springfield you would perform the following steps:

  1. Create a CSV-file (or you might start with a spreadsheet).
  2. Add the column headers mentioned above (at least the mandatory ones).
  3. Add to the SRC-VIDEO header: the paths of the videos relative to the parent of the folder that you plan to move to the springfield-inbox.
  4. Fill in the other columns to specify the desired situation in Springfield.
  5. Save/export the CSV-file, say, to myvideos.csv
  6. Run easy-springfield -v /path/to/videos -p myvideos.csv > videos01.xml. Now, if /path/to/videos contains one subdirectory called videos01 and all the paths in SRC-VIDEO start with videos01/... the tool will check if you are all set to move videos01 to the springfield-inbox. (You may of course want to run this command first without redirecting the output to videos01.xml, to check if the generated XML looks OK.)
  7. To be sure that there are no ownership issues chmod 777 everything in videos01 and also videos01.xml.
  8. Move (or copy) the directory videos01 to the springfield-inbox. (Note: do this as the easy-ingest-flow user!)
  9. Move (or copy) the Springfield actions file videos01.xml to the springfield-inbox. (Note: do this as the easy-ingest-flow user!)

The Springfield service uter checks the inbox once a minute for new files. Processing the videos may take a while, so at this point you might go off and take care of some other task. To check the status you can run the status subcommand from time to time (see next section).

To debug any problems, it is best to examine uter's log file at /var/log/tomcat/uter/uter.log.

Adding videos to existing presentations and/or collections

To add missing videos to existing presentations and/or collections you will first need to:

  1. Create a temporary collection under the parent user;
  2. add the videos in the normal way described above;
  3. add the references to the videos (or to the presentations) to the existing presentations (or collections). Using the command described below;
  4. delete the temporary (presentations and) collection using the delete subcommand, without the -r option (or you will end up removing the videos as well).

Status report

Processing the videos in the inbox takes a while. The status command generates a report that lists the A/V items and their current status (DONE, WAITING or FAILED). Note that items that have not (yet) been successfully processed by Springfield's inbox service Uter will not appear in the status report at all.

Changing require-ticket

You can change videos from public to private and vice versa with the set-require-ticket subcommand. This command changes all the videos under a given parent, so you can change collections and users at a time. Before making the actual changes you are requested to confirm.

Creating and deleting tickets

For debugging purposes it is sometimes convenient to manually create authorization tickets for presentations. The create-ticket and delete-ticket enable you to do exactly that. You can optionally provided the ticket yourself and specify the number of seconds it must be valid. However, it is better to let easy-springfield generated the ticket for you, as it will use a UUID, which tends to be more secure than any ticket number that you will think of yourself.

Viewing the list of current tickets is not supported. However, the Springfield Lenny service provides an HTML-based list for this at http://yourstreamingserver:8080/lenny/acl/ticket.

Deleting items

You can delete videos, presentations and collections with the delete subcommand. Users cannot currently be deleted, even if they contain no resources anymore. This seems a bug in Springfield, as—over time—it will inevitably result in an increasing number of unused "user" resources. The -r option lets you include all the referenced resources in a delete action. This way you can delete a whole collection without first having to manually delete all the resources referenced by it. Again, the user is asked to confirm such a delete action.

Please, note that the data on disk will not be cleaned up by Springfield. If you are using this command a lot you will be faced with an increasing amount of wasted disk space.

Fixing the Springfield hierarchy

To fix problems in the Springfield hierarchy the following subcommands can be used.

  • add-videoref-to-presentation - this adds a video that is already in Springfield to a presentation.
  • add-presentationref-to-collection - this adds a presentation that is already in Springfield to a collection.

Together with the delete subcommand, used without the -r option, it is possible to repair the Springfield hierarchy, if it becomes corrupted.

Adding subtitles to existing videos

For videos that have been ingested without subtitles, you can still add those later. You will need to execute this command as the tomcat user, so that it can write the subtitles files to the /data/dansstreaming directory tree.

  • add-subtitles-to-video - this adds a subtitles file to an existing video.
  • add-subtitles-to-presentation - this adds subtitles files to the videos in an existing presentation.


    -h, --help      Show help message
      -v, --version   Show version of this program

    Subcommand: list-users - Lists users in a given domain
      -h, --help   Show help message

     trailing arguments:
      domain (not required)   the domain of which to list the users (default = dans)

    Subcommand: list-collections - Lists the collections of a user in a given domain
      -h, --help   Show help message

     trailing arguments:
      user (required)         the user whose collections to list
      domain (not required)   the domain containing the user (default = dans)

    Subcommand: create-user - Creates a new user in the Springfield database. This does NOT generate a springfield-actions XML but
    instead creates the user in Springfield right away.

      -h, --help   Show help message

     trailing arguments:
      user (required)         user name for the new user
      domain (not required)   the target domain in which to create the user
                              (default = dans)

    Subcommand: create-collection - Creates a new collection in the Springfield database. This does NOT generate a springfield-actions XML but
    instead creates the collection in Springfield right away.

      -d, --description  <arg>   Description for the new collection (default = )
      -t, --title  <arg>         Title for the new collection (default = )
      -h, --help                 Show help message

     trailing arguments:
      collection (required)   name for the collection
      user (required)         existing user under which to store the collection
      domain (not required)   the target domain in which to create the collection
                              (default = dans)

    Subcommand: create-presentation - Creates a new, empty presentation in the Springfield database, to be populated with the add-video-to-presentation command.

      -d, --description  <arg>   description for the new presentation (default = )
      -r, --require-ticket       whether to require a ticket before playing the
                                 presentation (private audio/video) or not (public
      -t, --title  <arg>         title for the new presentation (default = )
      -h, --help                 Show help message

     trailing arguments:
      user (required)         existing user under which to store the collection
      domain (not required)   the target domain in which to create the presentation
                              (default = dans)

    Subcommand: create-springfield-actions - Create Springfield Actions XML containing add-actions for A/V items specified in a CSV file
    with lines describing videos with the following columns: SRC, DOMAIN, USER, COLLECTION, PRESENTATION, FILE,

      -c, --check-parent-items     check that parent items (domain, user,
                                   collection) exist
      -v, --videos-folder  <arg>   folder relative to which to resolve the SRC
                                   column in the CSV
      -h, --help                   Show help message

     trailing arguments:
      video-csv (required)   CSV file describing the videos

    Subcommand: status - Retrieves the status of content offered for ingestion into Springfield.
      -d, --domain  <arg>   limit to videos within this domain (default = dans)
      -u, --user  <arg>     limit to videos owned by this user
      -h, --help            Show help message

    Subcommand: set-require-ticket - Sets or clears the 'require-ticket' flag for the specified presentation.
      -h, --help   Show help message

     trailing arguments:
      springfield-path (required)   the parent of items to change
      require-ticket (required)     true or false: whether to require a ticket
                                    before playing the presentation (private
                                    audio/video) or not (public audio/video)

    Subcommand: set-title - Sets the title of a video/audio within a presentation. The springfield-presentation-path must be either a direct presentation referid
     or full path that can be resolved to a presentation.
      -t, --title  <arg>          The (new) name of the video/audio element with a
      -v, --video-number  <arg>   The number/ index of the video within the
                                  presentation (default = 1)
      -h, --help                  Show help message

     trailing arguments:
      presentation (required)   referid of the presentation

    Subcommand: set-play-mode - Sets the play-mode property of the presentation as specified. The springfield-presentation-path
          must be either a direct presentation referid or full path that can be resolved to a presentation.
      -h, --help   Show help message

     trailing arguments:
      springfield-presentation-path (required)   the parent of items to change
      mode (required)                            The play mode of the presentation
                                                 which is either 'menu' or

    Subcommand: create-ticket - Creates and registers an authorization ticket for a specified presentation.
    If no ticket is specificied a random one is generated.
      -e, --expires-after-seconds  <arg>    (default = 300)
      -t, --ticket  <arg>                  the ticket to assign
      -h, --help                           Show help message

     trailing arguments:
      springfield-path (required)   the presentation to create the ticket for

    Subcommand: delete-ticket - Deletes a specified authorization ticket.
      -h, --help   Show help message

     trailing arguments:
      ticket (required)   the ticket to delete

    Subcommand: delete - Deletes the item at the specified Springfield path.
      -r, --with-referenced-items   also remove items reference from <path>,
      -h, --help                    Show help message

     trailing arguments:
      path (required)   the path pointing item to remove

    Subcommand: add-videoref-to-presentation - Adds a videoref to a presentation under a specified name. The video must already exist in Springfield.
      -h, --help   Show help message

     trailing arguments:
      video (required)          referid of the video
      name (required)           name to assign to the video in the presentation
      presentation (required)   the presentation, either a Springfield path or a

    Subcommand: add-presentationref-to-collection - Adds a presentation to a collection under a specified name. The presentation must already exist in Springfield
      -h, --help   Show help message

     trailing arguments:
      presentation (required)   referid of the presentation
      name (required)           name to assign to the presentation in the collection
      collection (required)     the Springfield path of the collection

    Subcommand: add-subtitles-to-video - Adds a subtitles file to an existing video.
      -l, --language  <arg>   the ISO 639-1 (two letter) language code
      -h, --help              Show help message

     trailing arguments:
      video (required)         the referid of the video
      webvtt-file (required)   path to the WebVTT subtitles file to add

    Subcommand: add-subtitles-to-presentation -
     Adds one or more subtitles file(s) to an existing presentation. If the presentation contains multiple videos
     the same number of WebVTT files must be specified; they will be added in the specified order to the respective videos.

      -l, --language  <arg>   the ISO 639-1 (two letter) language code
      -h, --help              Show help message

     trailing arguments:
      presentation (required)     referid of the presentation
      webvtt-file(s) (required)   path to the WebVTT subtitles file(s) to add

    Subcommand: show-available-language-codes - 
     Prints a list of all language codes that are currently supported by the ISO639-1 standard

       -h, --help   Show help message


Currently this project is built as an RPM package for RHEL7/CentOS7 and later. The RPM will install the binaries to /opt/ and the configuration files to /etc/opt/

To install the module on systems that do not support RPM, you can copy and unarchive the tarball to the target host. You will have to take care of placing the files in the correct locations for your system yourself. For instructions on building the tarball, see next section.



  • Java 8 or higher
  • Maven 3.3.3 or higher
  • RPM


git clone
cd easy-springfield
mvn install

If the rpm executable is found at /usr/local/bin/rpm, the build profile that includes the RPM packaging will be activated. If rpm is available, but at a different path, then activate it by using Maven's -P switch: mvn -Pprm install.

Alternatively, to build the tarball execute:

mvn clean install assembly:single