



package dataverse

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. dataverse
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AdminApi extends HttpSupport with DebugEnhancedLogging
  2. class BuiltinUserApi extends HttpSupport with DebugEnhancedLogging

    Functions to manage builtin user accounts.

    Functions to manage builtin user accounts. Note that the must be set and configured in DataverseInstanceConfig for this to work.

  3. class DataAccessApi extends TargetedHttpSupport with DebugEnhancedLogging
  4. class DataAccessRequestsApi extends TargetedHttpSupport with DebugEnhancedLogging
  5. class DatasetApi extends TargetedHttpSupport with DebugEnhancedLogging

    Functions that operate on a single dataset.

    Functions that operate on a single dataset. See

  6. class DataverseApi extends HttpSupport with DebugEnhancedLogging
  7. case class DataverseException(status: Int, message: String, httpResponse: HttpResponse[Array[Byte]]) extends RuntimeException with Product with Serializable
  8. class DataverseInstance extends DebugEnhancedLogging
  9. case class DataverseInstanceConfig(baseUrl: URI, apiToken: String, unblockKey: Option[String] = None, connectionTimeout: Int = 5000, readTimeout: Int = 300000, apiVersion: String = "1", awaitLockStateMaxNumberOfRetries: Int = 10, awaitLockStateMillisecondsBetweenRetries: Int = 500) extends Product with Serializable
  10. case class DataverseResponse[D] extends Product with Serializable

    Encapsulates a response message from Dataverse.

    Encapsulates a response message from Dataverse. This is often, but not always, a JSON document. This class gives access to the response at the following levels as far as applicable (from lower to higher levels of abstraction): httpResponse, string, json, data.

    For example if the response contains metadata about a dataset, you would use the data method to retrieve a model object that provides easy access to that structure. If JSON is returned but it is not modelled by a case class in nl.knaw.dans.lib.dataverse.model, then you could use the json method to get the json4s AST and query that to get to the information you need. If the body contains UTF-8 encoded plan text, use string. Finally, if the body contains binary data, use httpResponse.


    the model object type that can be extracted (if none is available, this is set to Any).

  11. class FileApi extends TargetedHttpSupport with DebugEnhancedLogging
  12. class InfoApi extends AnyRef
  13. case class LockException(numberOfTimesTried: Int, waitTimeInMilliseconds: Int, msg: String) extends RuntimeException with Product with Serializable

    Thrown by DatasetApi#awaitUnlock if the maximum number of tries is reached and the dataset is still locked.

    Thrown by DatasetApi#awaitUnlock if the maximum number of tries is reached and the dataset is still locked.


    how many times the unlock check was tried


    time waited between tries



  14. class RoleApi extends AnyRef
  15. class SearchApi extends HttpSupport with DebugEnhancedLogging
  16. class SwordApi extends HttpSupport with DebugEnhancedLogging
  17. class TokenApi extends AnyRef
  18. case class Version(v: String) extends Product with Serializable
  19. class WorkflowsApi extends HttpSupport with DebugEnhancedLogging

Value Members

  1. def serializeAsJson(o: Any, pretty: Boolean = false): Try[String]
  2. def tryReadFileToString(file: File): Try[String]
  3. object Version extends Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
