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Stage a dataset in EASY-BagIt format for ingest into an EASY Fedora Commons 3.x Repository.


easy-stage-dataset -t <submission-timestamp> -u <urn> [ -d <doi> ] [ -o ] [ -f <external-file-uris> ] [-a <archive>] \
                          <EASY-deposit> <staged-digital-object-set>

easy-stage-file-item [<options>...] <staged-digital-object-set>


Datasets that are to be archived in EASY are initially received as deposits through the easy-sword2 service. These deposits must conform to BagIt format.

To prepare the deposit for inclusion in EASY easy-stage-dataset performs the following tasks:

  1. It generates the metadata required for an EASY dataset:
    • Administrative Metadata
    • EASY Metadata (descriptive metadata)
  2. It stages a digital object to represent the entire dataset for ingest in Fedora, using the metadata generated in 1.
  3. It stages a digital object for each file and folder in the dataset for ingest in Fedora.

The results of steps 1-3 can be ingested into the EASY Fedora Commons Repository. See the wiki section about the export-import cycle as easy-export-dataset also creates Staged Digital Objects.

References to files in external storage such as audio/video files can be added to existing datasets with the command easy-stage-file-item. It executes step 3 to stage one or more files for ingestion.

ARGUMENTS for easy-stage-dataset

  -a, --archive  <arg>                The way the dataset is archived. This must be either EASY or DATAVAULT.
                                      EASY: Data and metadata are archived in EASY. DATAVAULT: Data and
                                      metadata are archived in the DATAVAULT. There may be dissemination
                                      copies in EASY. (default = EASY)
  -d, --doi  <arg>                    The DOI to assign to the new dataset in EASY. If omitted, no files are
                                      ingested into EASY, not even place holders.
  -o, --doi-is-other-access-doi       Stage the provided DOI as an "other access DOI"
  -f, --external-file-uris  <arg>     File with mappings from bag local path to external file URI. Each line
                                      in this file must contain a mapping. The path is separated from the URI
                                      by one ore more whitespaces. If more groups of whitespaces are
                                      encountered, they are considered part of the path.
  -i, --include-bag-metadata          Indicates whether bag metadata (such as dataset.xml and files.xml)
                                      should be included in the resultant staged digital object.
  -s, --state  <arg>                  The state of the dataset to be created. This must be one of DRAFT,
                                      SUBMITTED or PUBLISHED. (default = DRAFT)
  -t, --submission-timestamp  <arg>   Timestamp in ISO8601 format
  -u, --urn  <arg>                    The URN to assign to the new dataset in EASY
  -h, --help                          Show help message
  -v, --version                       Show version of this program

 trailing arguments:
  EASY-deposit (required)                Deposit directory contains file and bag with extra
                                         metadata for EASY to be staged for ingest into Fedora
  staged-digital-object-set (required)   The resulting Staged Digital Object directory (will be created if it
                                         does not exist)

ARGUMENTS for easy-stage-fileItem

 -a, --accessible-to  <arg>         specifies the accessibility of the file item; one of: ANONYMOUS, KNOWN,
                                    RESTRICTED_REQUEST, RESTRICTED_GROUP, NONE (default = NONE)
 -c, --creator-role  <arg>          specifies the role of the file item creator; one of: ARCHIVIST, DEPOSITOR
                                    (default = DEPOSITOR)
     --csv-file  <arg>              a comma separated file with one column for each option (additional
                                    columns are ignored) and one set of options per line
 -i, --dataset-id  <arg>            id of the dataset in Fedora that should receive the file to stage
                                    (requires file-path). If omitted the trailing argument csv-file is
 -d, --datastream-location  <arg>   http URL to redirect to (if specified, file-location MUST NOT be
 -l, --file-location  <arg>         The file to be staged (if specified, --datastream-location is ignored)
 -f, --format  <arg>                dcterms property format, the mime type of the file
     --owner-id  <arg>              specifies the id of the owner/creator of the file item (defaults to the
                                    one configured in the application configuration file)
 -p, --path-in-dataset  <arg>       the path that the file should get in the dataset, a staged digital object
                                    is created for the file and the ancestor folders that don't yet exist in
                                    the dataset
 -s, --size  <arg>                  Size in bytes of the file data
 -v, --visible-to  <arg>            specifies the visibility of the file item; one of: ANONYMOUS, KNOWN,
                                    RESTRICTED_REQUEST, RESTRICTED_GROUP, NONE (default = ANONYMOUS)
 -h, --help                         Show help message
     --version                      Show version of this program

trailing arguments:
 staged-digital-object-sets (required)   The resulting directory with Staged Digital Object directories per
                                         dataset (will be created if it does not exist)


Currently this project is built as an RPM package for RHEL7/CentOS7 and later. The RPM will install the binaries to /opt/ and the configuration files to /etc/opt/

To install the module on systems that do not support RPM, you can copy and unarchive the tarball to the target host. You will have to take care of placing the files in the correct locations for your system yourself. For instructions on building the tarball, see next section.



  • Java 8 or higher
  • Maven 3.3.3 or higher
  • RPM


    git clone
    cd easy-stage-dataset
    mvn install

If the rpm executable is found at /usr/local/bin/rpm, the build profile that includes the RPM packaging will be activated. If rpm is available, but at a different path, then activate it by using Maven's -P switch: mvn -Pprm install.

Alternatively, to build the tarball execute:

mvn clean install assembly:single